How to Switch Companies in Email Vault

Manage multiple Email Vault accounts with one login.
Written by Elizabeth Vach
Updated 1 year ago

To manage multiple companies/organizations with one login in Email Vault, it is important to ensure that the same email address is set as the Admin across all companies. While creating each company, providing an individual email address is necessary. However, the same email address can be invited into multiple companies once they are created. This will help simplify the management process and ensure you can easily access all your companies.

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How to Switch Companies in Email Vault

To manage multiple companies with one login in Email Vault, it is important to ensure that the same email address is set as the Admin across all companies. While creating each company, providing an individual email address is necessary. However, the same email address can be invited into multiple companies once they are created. This will help simplify the management process and ensure you can easily access all your companies.

Creation Date: April 21, 2023 Created By: Elizabeth Hanfman View most recent version on ​ ​

1. Go to

2. Click on Company Name

Click on Company Name

3. A window will appear

A window will appear

4. Click on drop-down to find the new company.

Click on drop-down to find the new company.

5. Click on the company you would like to switch to.

Click on the company you would like to switch to.

6. Click on Switch

Click on Switch

7. Success! You can confirm you are viewing the correct company by the name at the top.

Success!  You can confirm you are viewing the correct company by the name at the top. Created with  

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